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Questions for Portfolio

  • Identify the technology standards that you are expected to meet throughout your professional preparation and practice.

Schools expect us to stay up to date on current technologies as well as understand Common Core standards that are presented to us.

  • •Set Goals and Take Action:

–Technology résumé

–Self-assess your skills

–Explore actions

  • Monitor and Evaluate Your Professional Growth


  • Rate yourself on the Student Performance Profiles.

I was able to teach it to others for all of the categories.

  • Identify gaps.

I did not have any gaps in this assessment but I still have room for growth.

  • Review NETS-S.

  • •Set goals: Determine the type of portfolio

I want a portfolio that shares my strengths in technology usage.

  • •Take action: Find examples

  • •Monitor: Which examples best match your goal?

Both a webpage and a standard technology resume

  • •Evaluate and Extend: Evaluate what you find.

My examples were mostly professional development portfolios.

I also want an employment portfolio.

  • Create the key components of your portfolio.

  • Create a “technology résumé.”

  • Reflect on how you learn about technology.

  • Self-assess your ability to meet required standards.

  • Reflect on how technology can be used to develop students’ creative thinking skills.

Technology can allow students’ minds to go places that they might not have ever been able to before. There are virtual field trips and the internet to take kids to new places creatively.

  • Describe a lesson in which you incorporate the principles of authentic instruction.

I will use authentic instruction when I lecture on things like vocabulary or the rules for the classroom. This will help the kids to understand the concepts presented.

  • Set goals: Learn how you might use technology-based tutorials in your classroom.

  • Take action: Locate a tutorial.

  • Monitor: Review the tutorial.

The tutorial was very clear and easy to understand for the intended audience. It gave good instructions and wonderful visuals.

  • Evaluate and Extend: Suggest ways the tutorial promotes student learning.

It promotes student learning by teaching them by a standard and showing them in such a way that they are able to understand and practice.

  • Identify how technology is used as a tutor, mindtool, or conversation support in your lesson description from Chapter 3.

It could be used as all three because students can go online to get homework help, it can sharpen students minds, and it can help conversations.

  • Describe activities in which your students can use the computer as a collaborative or reflective tool.

Students can work on google docs to create projects together, or they can create a blog to reflect on learning.

  • Describe one technology-supported learning experience and classify the technology’s use.

One technology learning experience is virtual field trips that allow students to visit places that they might not normally go. The technology lets them see the virtual experience that it would be like in person.

  • Develop a plan to support students’ self-directed learning within your lessons.

I will allow them to create questions that they must answer and I will let them reflect on their own experiences.

  • Using a lesson plan template, outline the activities that you and your students will engage in before, during, and after the lesson.

  • Develop student guidelines and instruction sheets.

  • Create a checklist of things that you will do to prepare for the use of technology.

Create guidelines for technology use and create safety rules to insure proper use of all equipment.

  • Create a narrative description of how you can support all students applying the principles of differentiated instruction or universal design for learning.

I will create multiple ways to teach students each lesson to allow for differentiated learning inside the classroom and I will allow for multiple ways for projects to be done.

  • Identify assistive technologies or technologies that assist learning within your lesson and the ways they could support students needs.

I will provide websites to allow them to play games and reinforce my lessons. This will hopefully help them fully understand the lessons and allow them to apply it to other situations.

  • Describe activities and assessments in a lesson plan that would meet the needs of students with differing abilities.

I will allow multiple projects to let the students work to the best of their abilities, and I will give the tests in various ways but at the same difficulty level to enable students to work best.

  • What type of additional information do you need to meet the needs of these students?

I need to know what type of learning they work best with, and I also need to know what their level of performance is to know what they are capable of.

  • •Set Goals: Learn more about AT.

  • •Take Action: Visit the TechMatrix.

  • •Monitor: Limit your search.

  • •Evaluate and Extend: Review the evidence.

  • •Set goals: Learn more about one of the technologies used to support forced-choice assessments.

  • •Take action: Review examples.

  • •Monitor: Determine how the assessments match the demands of your content area.

  • •Evaluate and Extend: Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the technology.

  • •Set Goals: Learn more about authentic assessments.

  • •Take Action: Find an example.

World War II Unit - 5th grade - developed by Catherine



Research project

Research presentation

Journal entries



Concept map


Evaluate propaganda

Create propaganda

Mock interview

  • •Monitor: Determine how it matches your content area.

It gives wonderful examples of how best to assess each part of a 5th grade history lesson.

  • •Evaluate and Extend: Discuss strengths and weaknesses.

  • Develop assessments and scoring guidelines based on the lesson or unit plan, to which technology is a major contributor.

Create an online survey to determine the level of understanding throughout the class.

  • Make sure your assessments are clearly connected to the content and technology standards addressed.

  • Design a lesson activity that helps students understand the safe and healthy use of technology.

I will go onto the FBI website and allow the students to go through the modules and learn online safety rules for technology.

  • Design a top ten list for your classroom.

Wash hands.

Keep out liquids.

Sit up straight.

Only work 30 minutes on the computer.

Always wipe off monitor and keyboard.

Log off computer.

Turn off computer when not using.

Keep cords out of the way to not trip.

No food.

Ask to use the computer.

  • Review technology safety lists you may find online or from practicing teachers.

  • Share your lists with other students in your class.

  • Make a list of ways volunteers can support technology in your classroom.

They can come in and help clean the computers

They can offer technology advice if they are an expert.

They can pay for newer technology in the classroom.

  • Describe the expectations for participation as well as benefits you hope to achieve.

I expect students to listen to the volunteers and I expect the volunteers to help. I hope that technology volunteers will enhance technology involvement in my lessons.

  • Share your plan with others. Revise your plan and record it in your portfolio.

  • Create a customized list of tips for safe and healthy use of technology.

List above applies.

  • Develop troubleshooting tips.

Look to see if it is a virus or the monitor.

Go on the antivirus and see if it has detected anything.

Check to see if computer is plugged in.

  • Develop a plan for routine maintenance.

I will constantly have someone check the computers and I will have them backed up.

  • Search for “interesting ways” teachers use communication and collaboration tools.

Teachers go onto websites and collaborate and share lesson plans and ideas to help creativity.

  • Create a list.

Teachers Pay Teachers


School Websites

  • Share your findings.

  • Identify teaching needs and some goals for meeting those needs.

Teachers need organization so they can have a grade book online as well as important documents to save space and allow easy finding.

  • Consider the type of software that can help you meet these goals.

Online gradebooks and the iCloud can help teachers.

  • Determine required hardware and related skills you will need.

Flashdrives and computer hard drives will help store this information.

  • Share your responses.

  • Survey the wide variety of technology reviews that are available in print and on the web.

  • Of the resources you found, determine which provide the most useful information.

Most scholarly websites are the most reliable for information regarding reviews.

  • Compare the resources you found with colleagues or classmates. Create a master list and keep it in your portfolio.

  • Describe a plan to use digital technologies to communicate and collaborate.

I will use email as well as have student blogs to communicate with students.

  • Locate, analyze, and evaluate digital resources for your lesson plan.

  • Locate and evaluate software or a website.

  • Identify print and web-based resources you can use to monitor copyright legislation.

Citation Machine shows students how to properly cite sources to give due credit and avoid copy write.

  • Share your findings with others in your class. Review the resources and determine which should be added to your own list.

  • Locate resources that allow you to identify and track legislative actions that relate to the use of educational technology in all the areas discussed throughout this chapter.

  • What are your beliefs about the appropriateness of web filtering?

Web filtering keeps students away from sites that are bad that they might accidently stumble on. It is a very good idea.

  • Search the web to locate descriptions of filtering software.

  • Discuss your views with your peers. If there are differing opinions, what evidence can you or your peers provide to support your positions?

  • Find examples that would not have been considered safe use of the Internet.

  • Consider your plan of action for safe Internet use with students.

  • Have you ever been placed in a situation that made you feel unsafe when using the Internet?

No, I have not.

  • Share your solution with someone in class and discuss differing perspectives and strategies.

  • Develop a philosophy statement that discusses your commitment to responsible, legal, and ethical use of digital technologies.

I intend to fully abide by all laws applying to legal and ethical use of digital technologies.

  • Identify one aspect of responsible, legal, and ethical use that you believe will be important for your students to learn. Develop a lesson that you can use to teach these principles to students at your chosen grade level.

Citations and credit are always important for students to know. I will give them a project where they go online and have to citate a source.

  • Set goals: Find resources that encourage technology use for boys or girls.

Boys and girls can use game websites to practice necessary skills learned in the classroom.

  • Take action: Search for resources that provide strategies to encourage boys or girls to use technology for learning.

  • Monitor: Determine whether the material you collected is free from bias and represents valid positions.

The games are completely free from bias and just target age range and ability.

  • Evaluate and Extend: Share the resources you have found with classmates.

  • Rate yourself along the dimensions of the Individualist/Collectivist Continuum.

I am in between because I enjoy having others’ ideas but I enjoy being able to be creative.

  • As a variation, collect the responses from an entire class and create a class profile.

  • Find a lesson plan or activity for increasing global understanding.

  • Identify the technologies, websites, and software you might use to support this lesson.

I will allow students to learn about the globe by going onto the red cross and learning facts about the health around the world to see the various types of conditions people have to endure.

  • Consider how you will assess student learning from the activity.

I will ask them facts from the website and I will monitor this.

  • A philosophy statement that discusses your commitment to and implementation strategies for addressing cultural diversity and equity issues related to technology use.

I intend to give my students many examples of cultural diversity and allow them to see the equality that can be reached.

  • A reflection on your own cultural experiences.

I’ve been to other countries and experienced their cultures.

  • Explore the instructional options available to you.

  • Locate and review several teacher sites online.

  • List your two favorite sites and describe why you selected them.

Teachers Pay Teachers and ALEX are my two favorite sites because they are collaborative and give wonderful ideas for lesson plans and units.

  • Share your favorites with your classmates.

  • List the steps that you plan to take in the next two years to achieve your goals for developing your skills in technology integration within the classroom.

I plan to use one piece of technology in every lesson to more fully utilize the capabilities that it offers.

  • Discuss your steps with a group of peers.

  • Choose a topic or question that you would like to investigate through action research.

  • Search for literature on that topic to determine what is known about your area of interest.

  • Develop a plan to collect data to investigate your area of interest.

  • Create a comprehensive vision statement that summarizes your plans and hopes for technology infusion in your classroom.

I hope to one day use technology in every lesson plan so as to make students more comfortable with everyday usage of it, and to also make me proficient.

  • Develop a plan for lifelong learning and self-renewal.

I intend to go to classes and seminars to keep up with new technology as well as collaborate with other teachers to stay up to date.

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